Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Parody Project #2

The next step in creating a parody is to come up with a simple story line.  What is your parody going to be about?  That is the main idea?  What is the theme?  Groups should write a short synopsis of their story, and producers should write it as a comment on this post.  Producers, be sure to sign your name so I know what group is commenting!


  1. Our video is about a women who leaves her husband, because he is addicted to soccer.

    Genesis - Producer

  2. Our video is going to be about a nerd getting picked on.

    Vanessa - Producer

  3. Our parody is going to be generally about English. It's going to include parts of speech, figurative language, and English class itself.

    Kitzia ~ Producer

  4. Our story is going to be about a student passing his English test with a perfect straight A. -Gustavo

  5. Our story is about a student trying to pass a english test. Joey - Producer
